Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Winner...Well, Almost

So my last survey asked if you felt like you get enough sleep. My vote was a big fat NO! Most of us voted no, but I was happy to see that there are a few of you out there that seem to be getting your beauty rest and a few more that sometimes are getting enough shut eye.

The reason I asked was because I recently read (in one of my fav books) about how important it is to get the right amount of sleep. It totally opened my eyes to a lot of the problems that I was encountering in my day to day life. Debra Sansing Woods says in her wonderful book It's Okay to Take a Nap and Other Reassuring Truths for Mothers Everywhere, "The reality is that being short on sleep makes me far less than my best self. In other words, when I'm exhausted, I tend to be impatient, critical, and just generally grumpy with my kids." Oh man, I want to just read the rest of what she has to say about it, but it would totally make me go over on my allotted blogging time for the day. (I think I'm already over anyway, Oops!) Anyway, what she had to say made such an impact on me that I vowed to try and go to bed every night at 10:00pm. I've only done it, oh maybe once or twice since then, but I'm still working on doing just that. Why? Because it really did make a noticeable difference in my days when I was able to get the right amount of sleep at the right time. I highly recommend your trying it too. See if it works for you. Oh, and I also highly recommend getting this book. It's filled with great advice for all of us mothers.

For one of our lucky BOMs, this book is this month's prize. I might even be able to get it signed by the author. Yeah! I'll announce the winner soon. Stay tuned...


Alesha said... I feel like I luck out and get plenty of sleep, but I do agree it makes SUCH a difference. I dont know what the rest of you do! ha!

Anonymous said...

This looks great! I'm puting it on my "must read" list right away. Thanks for the tip!

Teryn said...

Ahhh... sleep! Such a faraway memory. I'm a working mom of a 6 month old who has no interest in sleeping through the night. But, when else can I get things done except while he's sleeping? Truthfully- I should be sleeping now shouldn't I? (slap on wrist)

K Lovell said...

Having three kids is a challenge. I make a quiet time a must in our house. I think all of us, no matter how old, need to unwind and just rest.

Doty Family said...

Just wanted to let you know that I happened across your blog today and I think it's fabulous and beautiful. I am going to pass the word on about your blog. Love it.

Beautifully Ordinary Mother said...

Thank you Brandy!