Friday, June 20, 2008

Patience Please

Sometimes as a mother it is so hard to be patient. Why do we have to deal with the things we do sometimes? It's all part of being a mother, I guess. Although I don't have any great advice on how we can become more patient, David B. Haight offered these great words on the matter..."When a mohter exhibits these qualities of patience and unselfishness before her children and does it as though it was a privilege, she has said more to her children of her love for them than she ever could with words."

That goes back to the old saying, actions speak louder than words. Let's all try to enjoy this privilege of showing patience instead of losing it. Tell us what you did this week as you exemplified your love for your children through your actions of patience. (Am I the only one who could use a little more patience?)


Brooke said...

I too have struggled with patience in my home. Just reciently I came across a beautiful quote--

For the mother is and must be, whether she knows it or not, the greatest, strongest and most lasting teacher her children have.
~Hannah Whitall Smith~

I've read alot of stuff about being a good parent and ways to succeed in becoming that perfect example to your children, and I do mean ALOT. That quote put things into perspective for me.
We are the teachers of our home: whether it be how we handle a quarrel between sibblings or just the all to familiar whining that children have perfected by age 3. We must show with some form of reverence if you will, PATIENCE. We must dig deep in our souls, count to ten (if it helps)and love them with all our hearts. After all they are GODS CHILDREN intrusted in our care to raise up and show the way we should live, to follow the path back to our Father in Heaven. I don't have all the answers. I'm not the perfect mom. But I do know that Prayer and understanding must be the key to PATIENCE and I Pray that all mothers may find that Understanding. Thank you for letting me share! Brooke

Maren & Danny said...

patience is a virture-one we all need more of! I am daily trying to be more patient & it really helps to try & keep things in perspective. Does it really matter if my kid just spilled cheerios all over the floor, or that my son just pulled all the dvd out of the cupboard for the thousandth time, or that my kid is throwing a fit in Target cuz she can't have ANOTHER polly pocket? Nope doesn't really matter...just my reaction to these events does matter. It is all about our reactions...thanks for the encouragment to be better! :0)

Beautifully Ordinary Mother said...

Oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you thank you ladies for sharing those amazing comments. I needed to hear what you two had to say so badly. It seems like just because I've been working on patience more this week I've been noticing that I really dont' do well with it,and I really have more to work on than I even realized. So, I can't tell you thanks enough. You just kind of put it all into perspective for me. You BOMS are amazing. Thank you again.

Fauset Photography said...

Wow, love that comment! Thanks for that!

Shala said...
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Shala said...

Maren, I too have to take a step back sometimes (ok everyday) and ask myself if what my little three year old daughter just did really deserves an elevated voice from my end. I don't want her to think that raising our voices and loosing our heads is the way we are supposed to handle ourselves. Especially now that I have a new little baby and I see how she responds to her.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I have been neglecting my blog reading lately and I wish I had read this post sooner because I SO needed it last week. Maren's right - it's all about remembering, at all times, what REALLY matters the most in this world - how we treat one another.

Every time I visit here I am uplifted and renewed as a mother. Thank you.